50 Procureurs Chinois en France
Programme: "50 Procureurs Chinois en France" (50 Chinese Prosecutors in France) - (pictures)
With its entry into the WTO, China is concerned with restoring a body of law. It was only in 2002 that, for the first time, a national competition was organized for the recruitment of judges, prosecutors or lawyers. It is in 2003 that, for the first time also, judges and prosecutors will be subject to an obligation of initial training at the National Institute of Judges (I.N.J.) or the National Institute of Prosecutors (I.N.P.). The professionalisation of law and justice is well under way.
In view of this, in 2002, the French Embassy in China launched a new inter-governmental program of legal co-operation to promote the French legal and judicial system and eventually exercise influence over it. Indeed, Chinese demand vis-à-vis France remains strong. On the one hand, French law remains the model of continental law that China says it wants to inspire and on the other hand, the National School of Magistracy - E.N.M. remains a benchmark in the training of magistrates.
French-speaking candidates stay for about six months in France, including almost two months in Aix-en-Provence. An internship of about six weeks in the French courts is the highlight of their stay in France, complemented by research in Franco-Chinese comparative law, participation in a training ENM.
Since 2002 in this program, the IREA has been entrusted by the French Embassy in China, the coordination and supervision of the stay in Aix-en-Provence and, in particular, the organization of an intensive course of French law and a law course on French judicial and administrative proceedings. These two courses are created specifically for these Chinese trainees and aim to facilitate the smooth running of their internship in jurisdiction.
IREA also organizes round tables and a varied cultural program. A close and permanent contact with these young magistrates makes it possible to guarantee the success of their stay in Aix-en-Provence.
With Ms. LU Huiying, General Consul of China, and Mr. JIN Banggui.