Study Trip
One-week Study Trip (pictures)
IREA offered a great chance for me to have a comprehensive understanding of how European institutions and EU legal system function in the real world by participating in the one-week study trip which is organised to European capital cities as Brussels and Luxembourg to visit various European institutions including European Court of Justice, European Library, European Parliament, Commission, etc. all the places which are essential for the functioning of EU. I found that the visit to these institutions and meetings arranged by some of the most learned and noble activators in the field of EU affairs not only provide me with an academic forum to develop my legal skills, an international mix which promotes exchanges of fresh ideas, a deeper understanding of EU law, but also a chance to access to an real cross-nation environment which may pose a life-changing impact on my entire life. With no doubt, the experience I accumulated and the knowledge I learnt during the trip will be the momentum of the commencement of my future career.
by Yu XIANG from Hong-Kong - 2018/2019
At the European Council in Brussels - February 2019