Participation in national or international conferences
International Conference on "Frontiers of New Balance in Intellectual Property" (in visio), Mr JIN Banggui took part in the conference organised by Jinan University (Guangzhou, China), on 26 April 2023, speech: "Copyright protection of AI-generated outputs from a comparative law perspective".
"Le premier Code civil de la République Populaire de Chine, un vecteur d'innovations juridiques?", Mr JIN Banggui took part in the conference organised by the Association Franco-Chinoise pour le Droit Économique (AFCDE), Paris Bar, on 19 April 2023, speech on "les nouveautés apportées par le Code civil chinois à l'égard des sujets de droit".
"International Conference on Fintech, Cyberspace and Artificial Intelligence" (3rd Edition, in visio), Mr JIN Banggui took part in the conference organised by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences (Romania), on 31 March 2023; the talk was on "Copyright protection of AI-generated works under Chinese law" (in collaboration with Zhe DAI).
"Asia at the crossroads of cultures", Mr JIN Banggui took part in the interdisciplinary conference organised by the Centre d'Éthique économique et des affaires, FDSP, Aix-Marseille Université and Agence ITER France, on 4 March 2023; the talk was on "Legal traditions and their impact on today's society in China".
- Mr Rémi FOUQUE, PhD student, participated in the Conference on Comparative and International Law (online) organised by the Society of Juridical and Administration Sciences (Romania) and Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania) on 24 June 2022; his presentation was on "Sino-European Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: From Upmost Necessity to Concrete Measures". (see:
- Mr JIN Banggui participated in the 3rd APELIA Conference (in visio) organised by the City University of Hong Kong on 1 and 2 June 2022. The Asia-Pacific and Europe Law Institutes Alliance (APELIA) is a consortium of 18 law schools from European and Asia-Pacific universities established in 2019 in Shanghai. The Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille University is one of the founding members of the consortium. It is also the only French law faculty participating in this consortium. The Dean Jean Baptiste PERRIER, Mr. Jean-François MARCHI, Vice-Dean in charge of international relations and JIN Banggui participated in the 3rd Council of the Consortium by videoconference which took place on June 2, 2022 (see:
- The LL.M. in European Business Law students attended the seminar on "VAT and Community Law" on 23 and 24 May 2022. The seminar was moderated by Maitre Jean-Claude BOUCHARD, tax lawyer at the Paris Bar and expert advisor to the European Commission on VAT matters.
- Mr. JIN Banggui and Ms. XU Chaowei (PhD student) participated on 12 May 2022 in the "International Conference on Fintech Law" (in visio) organised by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences; their presentation was on "Digital Currency in China : Pilot Implementations, Legal Challenges and Prospects" (see:
- Mr JIN Banggui participated in the Conference on "New Silk Roads in Africa" (in visio) organised by the Paris Bar Association on 7 April 2022; the intervention is on "Taxation of BRI projects in Africa"
- Mr. JIN Banggui and Mr. DAI Zhe (former doctoral student of IREA, lecturer at Jinan University - Guangdong, China) participated in the Colloquium organised by the Health Law Centre of Aix-Marseille University on 25 November 2021 in Aix-en-Provence : Patent lifting, a project, a posture or a sham ? They spoke on the following topic : "China's position on the lifting of patents on vaccines against Covid-19"
- Mr JIN Banggui and Mr WEI Kaihong (PhD student) participated in the Colloquium organised by the European and International Journal of Tax Law on 9 April 2021 : International tax competition - is tax optimisation across borders still possible ? (online); their intervention was on "Is tax optimisation in China possible ?"